
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Citing Discipline Specific Styles

"I read in order to write. I read out of obsession with writing. . . . I read in
order to find out what I need to know: to illuminate the riddle."
— Cynthia

Confessions of a Researchaholic

In order to write, I research. To be honest, some details related to writing are boring, but necessary.

Did you know that there are discipline-specific styles? If you compile footnotes, endnotes or a bibliography for any of the disciplines listed below, log on to the appropriate web site for citation details.

Anthropology: University of South Dakota's Citations and Bibliographic Style for Anthropology Papers URL: www.usd.edu/anth/handbook/bib.htm

Biology/CBE Style: Bedford St. Martin's Online!'s Using CBE Style to Cite and Document Sources URL: www.bedfordstmartins.com/online/cite8.html

Engineering and Sciences: Virginia Tech offers a guide for engineering and science students that covers formatting, citing sources, and other elements of style. URL http://www.writing.eng.vt.edu/

Government Publications: University of Memphis Libraries’ Brief Guide to Citing Government Publications. URL: http://www.lib.memphis.edu/

History: Melvin E. Page's essay on A Brief Citation Guide for Internet Sources in History and the Humanities. URL: www.h-net.org/~africa/citation.html; Maurice Crouse's Citing Electronic Information in History Papers. URL: http://www.people.memphis.edu/

Medicine: AMA Style Guide: A brief introduction to the American Medical Association style for citing print sources. URL: http://healthlinks.washington.edu/hsl/styleguides/ama.html; NLM Style Guide:A brief introduction to the National Library of Medicine recommended style for citing print sources. URL: http://healthlinks.washington.edu/hsl/styleguides/nlm.html; Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: This is an authoritative site by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) that includes citation styles. URL: http://www.icmje.org/

Political Science: APSA Documentation from the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Writing Center. URL: www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/DocAPSA.html

Sociology: The Cal State L.A. Libraries' ASA Style Guide contains electronic citation formats. URL: www.calstatela.edu/library/bi/rsalina/asa.styleguide.html

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