
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Check It Out: Advanced Fiction Writing Blog

We've got a great local writer's group. Last night, Rachelle Gardner talked to the group about query letters and book proposals. Rachelle is a literary agent. with lots of experience in the publishing world and a great blog: CBA Ramblings.
Rachelle emphasized the importance of writing an eye-catching summary of your book for your book proposal. She mentioned that author Randy Ingermanson, of SNOWFLAKE fame, had recently blogged about one-sentence summaries. So, I wandered over to Randy's blog and found the starting post. You can follow the rest of the posts by clicking on the Craft link at the end of the post.
Just for fun, you might want to read all the one-sentence summaries that other folks posted for Randy to critique. Along the way, you'll see what other folks are writing about--and learn the ins and outs of crafting a good one-sentence summary of your book.
Enjoy wandering the blogosphere. I'm off to edit!!

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